Chant of the Week: Hey FC Cincinnati
Chant of the Week: Hey FC Cincinnati
Bill Wolf
Last week was the first MLS home opener at Nippert Stadium and everyone did great. The Bailey was loud and the rest of Nippert Stadium was on their feet and joining in. It was great to hear the “Thunder Clap” and to see everyone participating in “F-C-C” and, of course, “Cincinnati Here We Go.” We walked away with a victory, appreciation from the team, and the respect of the soccer community. So... it’s time to kick back and relax and enjoy what we sowed, right? HECK NO!
It’s time to take it up a notch. Every time, when people think they know what to expect Cincinnati surprises them, so it’s time to up our game and make sure our next big moment on the world stage makes people shake their heads wondering where our limit is. With that in mind, here’s a new chant the Knights rolled out last weekend. It is fun and has the potential to get the entire stadium active.Here’s why I think this is the next big thing at Nippert Stadium.
Photo Credit: USA Today
Simple Lyrics: Complex lyrics are nice for conveying ideas, but they are harder to learn and harder to get lots of people involved.
Clapping: Let’s be honest. Claps sound really cool in the stadium and as a side effect, they really help keep people together. The echo time from the Bailey to the horseshoe is pretty long. We need all the help we can get.
Distinctive: The beginning with the “Heys” will stand out and we need something clear so that neighboring sections an catch on quickly and get involved.
Hey! FC Cincinnati Hey! Hey! (x4)
Woooaahhhhh Woooaahhhhh Woooaahhhhh Woooaahhhhh (x4)
The lyrics are extremely simple. The goal is to get the entire stadium involved in this chant. We want to punch the “Heys.” Imagine 30,000 people yelling “Hey.” It will be heard anywhere in Clifton. For the second phrase, the main point is that there are 4 “Whoahs” for each grouping. For those musically inclined, each “Whoah” takes up 2 beats. Choreography is also simple, again hoping for mass participation. We want to clap our hands over our heads on each “Hey.” This will further punctuate the “Heys.” For the “Whoahs,” we jump up and down on each beat, so twice per “Whoah.” Not sure whether we can expect much jumping in the whole of the stadium, but the Bailey will be hopping for sure. If we have 30,000 voices and 60,000 hands clapping, this will be a success.
The Knights put together a recording of this chant so you can hear it all in action.
Check out the following video of some AJAX supporters doing a similar chant for some inspiration. “Hey FC Cincinnati” starts around 15 seconds in.