Chant of the Week: Forza Cincinnati
Chant of the Week: Forza Cincinnati
Bill Wolf
I'm a Knight of the Bailey. For those who don't know what that means, it means that I play the snare drum during FC Cincinnati matches. Other Knights play bass drum or shout chants into megaphones. It's not a job that we take lightly. While the Knights are not the voice of the Bailey, they help organize and create the pulse that allows that voice to carry strong.
And while the Bailey is certainly a fun, loud place to experience a soccer match, it is even more exciting when the whole of Nippert Stadium joins. Obviously, "F-C-C" is one chant that everyone gets behind, but many fans have started to also join in with "Cincinnati Here We Go" as well.
It’s pretty incredible what we can produce when we work together to build an atmosphere
There have been so many people who have commented that they'd love to learn the chants to join in. With the desire to get more and more of the stadium involved, welcome to the "Chant of the Week." I hope becoming more familiar with the chants will allow more fans to join in and sing or clap or hum along or just get more energized.
One thing many people may not realize is that the chants used by the Bailey are usually based on something else. Many come from popular songs because the melody is familiar to everyone and therefore easy to learn. Some chants are inspired by other clubs and the chants they sing.
This week's chant is Forza FCC. It is inspired by an Italian chant, "Forza Ragazzi." Forza Ragazzi translates to "come on guys." It is literally just a chant used to get the team energized. The lyrics have been changed to be Cincinnati specific of course.
FC Cincy allez allez allez allez allez
We have the hearts of lions
Juncta Juvant we triumph
Our city's limits carved in hearts and never set in stone
Luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh luh
Whoaaaaaaaooh, whoaaaaaaaoh
A confusion with this chant is the use of "allez." To the casual listener, they often hear "ole" instead. The sound is very similar except instead of the 'long O' sound like in boat, it is an 'ah' sound like in father. The section of "luh" follow the same melody as the "allez" section. There is also some choreography. In the first two sections, with both arms raised over your head, thrust your arms forward on each beat. For the "luh" section, you should jump up and down to the beat of the chant. For the last section, lean back for four beats and then thrust forward. Repeat for the second "whoaaaaaaoh" and then thrust your arms forward on each beat for the remainder of the chant.
Thanks to Max Ellerbe for putting together the following video so you can
hear the tune and words clearly.
Check out the following video for some inspiration. Imagine this being done at Nippert stadium at an FC Cincinnati match. Divide the stadium down the middle and Forza battle.